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Moss Talks Matrix, again- 12/13/00
Carrie-Ann Moss answered some questions about The Matrix. She said that scripts for 2&3 were completed, she and the rest of the cast have already read them, and that she recently got married! She wouldn't review her husband's name, but have plans for a family after The Matrix 3.
Matrix 2 spoilers!!!- 12/12/00
A whole bunch of possible spoilers for the upcoming sequel have been released. They may or may not be real, we don't know, but according to TheMatrixOnline, this info. was sent in from a spy. The spoilers include secrets about Zion, several scenes, a sub-plot, a character, and more. View them at your own risk, here!
Art of The Matrix released!- 12/12/00
The longly-anticipated book, Art of The Matrix has been released! In it, include pictures, some secrets, art, and more about the concepts of the movie. You can buy it here.
Fisburne Talks Training- 12/6/00
Laurence Fishburne has began official training with the wire stuntman for the upcoming Matrix sequel. He calls training "The House of Pain". More details later.
AI Coverage- 12/5/00
To go along with the Matrix and Terminator coverage, I've finally decided to add additional news for "A.I.", which comes out next year. You can check out it's official site here. There's not much on the site, yet, but you can still view their teaser poster in the Multimedia section of this site.
Apology- 12/4/00
As you may have known, this site wasn't accessible for the last 3 days or so. The problem isn't exactly known, but the possibility might be because of a system error, etc. Sorry again, but while it's still up, check out the new section! Thanks.
T3 Director Update- 12/3/00
Who will be the director of the next Terminator film? "Gladiator"'s Ridley Scott is still being rumored to direct the film. Another rumor, which was confirmed to be false was "Die Hard" director, John McTiernan. When any confirmation is made, it'll be up on this site.
Terminator 3 coverage- 12/2/00
ZION will now start complete coverage on Terminator 3 and the Matrix sequels as well. I'm also including the Terminator movie since it has something to do with machines from the future (AI). Check back often for T3 and Matrix news!
T3 Nemesis- 12/2/00
There will be a female Terminator in T3 and the top contenders for the role are WWF's Chyna and X-Men's Famke Janssen. Those two are the closest to the role, but no confirmations have been made.
New section added- 12/2/00
On Friday, I just added a new section to the site. It's the Questions section. Go check it out and ask some q's.
Matrix Production Update- 12/1/00
According to MovieHeadlines, most of the original Matrix artists crew have returned for the sequels. They are currently sketching out ideas of what they see in the Matrix 2 and 3. Another good piece of info. The official Matrix website has announced that it will soon include behind-the-scenes access to the sequels, stay tuned for more news.
Jada Talks 2 Months- 11/30/00
Jada-Pinkett Smith talked about the Matrix while answering some other questions. She was reported saying that the schedule has "changed". Now, filming will start in 2 months, instead of 6.
T3 Rumor- 11/29/00
This is only a rumor, but more likely an idea, but fans of the Matrix really think that Carrie-Ann Moss would be great for the part of the female Terminator in the upcoming sequel. I think that would be a good idea. She was quoted, saying that she would be too busy for the part, since she's already shooting the Matrix 2 and 3 back-to-back.
Niobi- 11/28/00
I've been thinking a little about the character, Niobi, and a thought occured to me. Could it actually be possible that she could save Morpheus or Neo from a dangerous situation that plays a big part in the upcoming movies? Why would Niobi be the savior? Well, if you research a little about her, you might find out a couple things; she was a Roman goddess of some kind, who's children had been killed. Do you think the only reason why Niobi will be in the Matrix 2 and 3 is because she's just as important as Neo? And like Neo, she believes that she can stop the machines? Neat possibility, huh?
Matrix Casting- 11/28/00
Our friends at TheMatrixOnline picked up the following information: casting for the two more Matrix sequels have begun in Australia. Casting for the "replacement" position for Jet Li is still undetermined, since no word has been confirmed.
Official Site Update?- 11/25/00
Will the official Matrix website finally be updated for Matrix 2 news? Could be so, according to some rumors around the Internet. If you can confirm this, please contact me.
2001 Countdown- 11/25/00
The countdown has already begun to the real millennium. Will the "first" year of the new century bring any hints to what lies ahead of us in the future? Will Artificial Intelligence be born, or has it already been born? Send in your thoughts and tell me what you think.
New Links- 11/25/00
I just added about three new links on the Links page. Go check em out.
AI Teaser Poster- 11/25/00
The official AI movie website has released a teaser poster for the movie, which is directed by the infamous Steven Spielberg and stars last year's "The Sixth Sense" star, Haley Joel Osment. Thanks to MovieHeadlines for the alert!
Matrix 3 ideas- 11/16/00
Do you have any idea about what the Matrix 3 is going to be about? Send in your ideas and see them posted on this site!
Moss talks Matrix sequels- 11/13/00
Carrie-Ann Moss recently sat down with some reporters and had come across the question of "What about Matrix 2 and 3?" She responded in telling the reporters that she and the rest of the cast would be working on the Matrix sequels back-to-back, non-stop training for the next couple of months. She also added that she really looked forward to the next sequels, since she enjoyed making the first Matrix movie.
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Fan-Art Call
Zion is one of the newest Matrix fan countdown sites on the web and we would appreciate if anyone viewing this page would like to submit their fan art to this site, along with their name and where they're from. If you would like to submit your art, please e-mail me. Thanks.
© 2000 JW, © 1999 "The Matrix", Warner Bros., All Rights Reserved.